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- Unidad de potencia adicional AFM, específico para Honda CB 1000 R (2011 - 2017)
The additional SC-Project AFM (Air Fuel Modifier) units are projected for the specific use in combination with the completed, semicompleted exhaust systems or with the only silcencers produced by SC-Project to obtain the best performance with the substitution of the exhaust system,adjusting the carburation. Assembling a better performing exhaust system a carburation leaning is created: riders have to slightly improve the gas contribution and air in the engine to level the potentiality of the exhaust system to the gas requested by the engine
In the last generation motorbikes when the original exhaust system is replaced by a more performing SC-Project model a better and quickier exhaust expulsion is obtained: it is appropriate to adeguate also Co, that is the value of carburation . air-gasoline. Riders can reach this through the installation of an AFM unit which balances the gasoline input in the engine with the outgoing exhaust, which is best thanks to the new exhaust system (in the only silencer version too).
SC- Project AFM unit acts on motorbike existing series sensors and changes outgoing values, keeping the original motorbike electronics and adapts it to the configuration with a more performing new exhaust system. This added unit changes the parameters related to temperature- air sensors, so that the motorbike original electronics changes carburetion with injection time and advance which are different from the original and guarantee a high performance improvement related to power and couple : it re-establishes the stechiometric value air – fuel to optimal value for the new configuration with more performing exhaust system.
Not all motorbikes need an additional AFM unit since the change of the only silencer doesn't imply carburation leaning. In other motorbike models - especially when replacing the original exhaust system the catalyst is moved, it is fundamental to install the additional AFM unit to take the carburation level to the correct level. In our product catalogue it is indicated - according to the motorbike model and to the available kind of exhaust system/configuration- if it is necessary to install the AFM unit on one own motorbike or if no change has to be done.
It is suggested to install a SC Project exhaust system kit combined with an AFM unit and a SC-Project air filter on some motorbike models to reach the highest performance and to guarantee more power and couple to one own motorbike
The AFM unit is additional (the original motorbike electronics isn't touched) and doesn't create any damage to the engine, it is waterproofing and presents small dimensions (75x49x20mm). It is supplied with a specific cable for each motorbike model and doesn't require any change or intervention on the motorbike and it is specific and ready to be install.
The regulation arch acts on a 0-10 scale - where the regulation 0 (on the left bottom) creates a standard condition - that is a null intervention - as if the unit were off. Raising the value you''l increase the carburation level till a maximum of 10. The 0-10 level let you increase the value till the best carburation. The suggested calibration for a motorbike with a SC-Project exhaust system varies from a 5 to 9 value according to the kind of engine, installed exhaust system and if a catalyst is present or not. The precise regulation for the different configuration is suggested by our technicians on the motorbike technical sheet: don't hesitate to aks for the best regulation for your motorbike, since our technicians will give you all necessary info to reach the optimal carburation value
The installation of the AFM unit is completely reversable and the originality of the motorbike can be restored in few minutes